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my weekend 007

signs of fall
don’t blink!
sister, sister
veggie grill yummies
pitaya smoothie wiiiith chooocolate
More after the jump!

always giving me the “grumpy gills” face.
stanley, the founder of radiator springs. love the gold tooth.
keith with the goodyear blimp, aka “blimpy.” it’s was flying over because of the angels baseball game.
at the “winery” in california adventure
trader sam’s is a tiki bar by the disneyland hotel
we ordered the uh-oa!
a wall of lego bricks at the lego store in downtown disney
you can create your own lego person. this is keith’s creation.
My weekend consisted of:
Hanging out with the puppies in the backyard. So happy it’s officially fall today. There were leaves on the ground and a crisp breeze.
Going to Veggie Grill and Banzai Bowls on Saturday. We had Buffalo Wings, the Buffalo Bomber, Baja Tacos and Crispy Cauliflower. At Bonzai Bowls, I had a pitaya smooth wiiiith chooocolate.
Going to Disneyland with Keith. We went to parts of the resort we’ve never enjoyed before like Trader Sam’s, by the Disneyland Hotel. We had great service and would have taken the souvenir tiki cups home if they weren’t so expensive. We also went to the Lego Store in Downtown Disney. We have a hankering to get ourselves a set to build. (I have not out grown playing with Legos. I’m hoping my dad will bring them out of the garage for the holidays.)
How was your weekend?
– Christina